
Hi, I'm Vanessa, a business
designer focusing on sustainable innovation.

What I do

To create long term impact, I collaborate with future vision companies, cities, and startups by uncover new opportunities or leverage existing internal potential

Vision & Strategy

  • Vision & Transf. Design
  • Foresight & Scenarios
  • Purpose Exploration
  • Digital Transformation
  • Business Model Innov.
  • Value Proposition
  • Product Strategy
  • Hackathons & Incubator

Research & Ideation

  • Trend Analysis
  • Market & User Research
  • Focus Groups
  • Qual. & Quan. Research
  • Problem Discovery
  • Opportunity Exploration
  • Customer Journey Map
  • Concept & Co-Design

Market Validation

  • Experiment Design
  • Testplans
  • Validation & Iteration
  • Product Market Fit
  • Go-to-Market Strategy
  • Start-up Coaching
  • Accelerator
  • Partnerships Building


  • Materiality Assessment
  • ESG I CSR Strategy
  • Gap & Impact Analysis
  • Sustainable Bus. Models
  • B Corp (Re)Certification
  • Circular Economy
  • Doughnut Economics
  • Process I SC Mapping


What type of collaboration works best for you - your goal, team, projects, idea, vision?

Consultancy and
mentorship for projects

Depending on your needs, I work on the strategic side or help you execute your goals hands-on or by mentoring your team along the way.

Workshop facilitation
as a kick-starter

Workshops are great if you're looking for inspiration, possible starting points for a new field or want to bring in some fresh thinking to refresh some existing approaches.

Sparring sessions
for quick decision making

Feeling stuck? No matter if you're a start-up, corporate manager or fellow consultant, I'm here to listen to your project or challenge and help you sharpen and expand your existing thinking.

Reach out to work with me