Conventional business wisdom says that you can either make money or do good. But what if you could do both? That’s where B Corps come in.

A global movement

Transforming the global
economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet

B Corp is a global movement. As of February 2024, there are 8,254 certified B Corporations across 162 industries in 96 countries. The B Corp Certification is a designation that a business is meeting high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and input materials.

*got a quick question? book a short consultation with me


8.000+ businesses received the certification so far. What are their advantages?

s Impact Businesses Attract & Retain Top Talent

d Stronger Partnerships & Suppliers

s Proofs Social & Sustainability Impact to Customer

d Access to global B Corp Businesses & Community



To make a profit while having positive social and environmental impact is a target we feel proud to achieve. It's not easy but that's what appeals to my entrepreneurial side.

Portio Hart Founder, Blue Apple Beach, independently owned boutique hotel

We need to keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible as a business for the greater good. I hope that by doing things slightly differently and for the first time, we inspire businesses the way others have inspired us.

Alec Mills Co-founder Dame, sustainable period product company

B Corp is more than just a label. To make the grade, companies go through rigorous assessments to ensure they meet verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability.

Imagine 5 Impact Magazine

B Corp is a great way for businesses to become future-ready. Either by starting or improving their sustainability journey, the assessments guides a clear and powerful strategy and roadmap quite well aligned with CSRD.

Vanessa Rosenthal Innovation & Sustainability Strategist

The flower industry has a waste problem. Some examples of this are flowers wrapped in plastic, or plastic flower nets. We want to do it differently and thereby bring about lasting and positive change in the industry!

Flower & Wild, E-flower shop
B Corp Services

I'm a trained B Leader, offering introductory workshops, advice to companies for the B Impact Assessment and help obtain B Corp certification.

Introductory Talk or Kick-off Workshop

A kick-off workshop is great if you have already decided to do the BIA or B Corp certificate and want to familiarise and align your team with the topic. If you're unsure it's the right thing, the workshop can help or you can book an in introductory 'Schnupper-Talk' with Q&A.

Gap Analysis: Benchmarking & Strategy

With the BIA, B Corp offers a free tool to assess the current score of your company. This can be a first step to finding out your strengths and areas to improve on as a business. I guide companies through the BIA and co-design a roadmap and prioritise tasks to improve their impact.

(Re)Certification focus: theory of change

Have you developed a theory of change for your service or product? Companies tend to not get these points in the BIA. However, what is required here is something every company should think and act on as a business.

Impact (Business Model) Workshop

Details coming soon

How to start now

Workshops - From
Kick-off to Impact Score Improvement

For starters, the 1) kick-off workshop is great if you want to familiarise your team with what it means and needs to start the process. Furthermore, I offer 2) impact business model workshops and the 3) theory of change approach.

How to start now

Workshops - From
Kick-off to Impact Score Improvement

For starters, the 1) kick-off workshop is great if you want to familiarise your team with what it means and needs to start the process. Furthermore, I offer 2) impact business model workshops and the 3) theory of change approach.

How to start now

Workshops - From
Kick-off to Impact Score Improvement

For starters, the 1) kick-off workshop is great if you want to familiarise your team with what it means and needs to start the process. Furthermore, I offer 2) impact business model workshops and the 3) theory of change approach.

Reach out to work with me